Sophie Koella | Oyster Magazine: Meet the Model



Sophie Koella is half French, half American and 100% certified babe. This young stunna/animal whisperer is still in high school but is super chill and wise beyond her years, and dreams of a world where magic is real. Get to know Sophie below.

Full Name?
Sophie Evelyn Koella.


Star Sign?

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I was born in New Orleans, I am half French, and I am currently living in L.A.

What were you into in high school?
I’m into photography and laws and documentaries and stuff.

In what ways have you changed since then?
Although I still have one year of high school left, I definitely feel more accepting of what makes me a unique individual than when I was in ninth grade.

What scares you most?
The future.

Worst piece of advice you ever received?
“Don’t text him back”. No games!

What is a skill you wish you possessed?
Being good at math would’ve saved me a lot of pain and suffering. Also, I wish I could whistle!

What fictional character to you most relate to, and why?
I’m not sure about a specific character I relate to personally, but I have always wanted and will always want Harry Potter and his entire world to be real.

What celebrity do you have a crush on?
Jamie Foxx.

Best Youtube clip you’ve ever seen?

What’s your secret talent?
Animal whisperer and really twisty arms.

What’s your spirit animal?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A photographer or surgeon (thanks to Grey’s Anatomy).

Will you send us a selfie?
















Model: Sophie Koella

Photographer: Darren Ankenman

Editor: Nadia Bailey